跨文化研究 & World Missions

应用科学副学士(AAS) -两年制学位
Missions Cognate or Track within Bachelor of Arts (BA) – 4 year degree
Missions Minor accompanying Bachelor of Arts (BA) – 4 year degree

  • 校园计划
  • Online program


From our start, bte365官网地址 has included a strong focus on global ministry — this is why our founder included “missionary training home” in our institutional name. Just as “missionary training home” is still part of our official name, we’re still passionate about missions and the global nature of our mission as a college.

That’s why we are excited for a new approach to missions education and training!

A New Approach

多年来,我们一直在祷告, planning and discussion about how missions education can best be done today. 我们的讨论包括传教士, missions educators and missionary leaders from conservative holiness denominations, 圣经学院和传教组织, from Florida to Pennsylvania to Indiana and around the world.

Every single missionary and missions leader has agreed: a standalone “missions major” isn’t the answer.

In response, we have developed a different approach that provides missions education and training in numerous ways.

  1. A standalone 2-year missions degree, the 跨文化研究和世界使命中的AAS
  2. 每个bte365官网地址 BA学生都有一个任务辅修课程, 以及所有拥有学士学位的bte365官网地址校友
  3. A missions track that can be included in the Biblical and Theological Studies major or a missionscognate in the Integrative Studies major
  4. Opportunities for cross-cultural learning and service through short-term mission trips, 任务的约定, 跨文化学生组织, 并参与部门组建. 
  5. Opportunities to learn through experience with six-week missions internships or the 12–24 week Study Abroad Program.

Combined, these approaches make missions training available to every single bte365官网地址 student!

bte365官网地址 Chancellor Michael Avery, himself a past missions leader, comments,

Taking the Gospel to the unreached people groups of today’s world holds enormous challenges — challenges that can and must be faced with new thinking, 方法多样,训练方法灵活.


bte365官网地址’s new approach to missionary training is a bold response to this daunting challenge.

A New Vision

Our vision includes graduates prepared for a range of vocations with a deep passion for and understanding of missions work. 成功看起来像……

  • Long-term missionaries who use professional skills to open doors for missionary outreach
  • Missionaries who serve a shorter period on the field and then bring their missions experience to US churches and ministries
  • Pastors, teachers and others who knowledgeably support missions work and share their passion with others
  • Laity who support missions organizations financially and with services

In addition to curriculum structures and learning opportunities that enable missions to permeate the college, 我们也开始了宣教学的客座教授bte365. Each year, we’ll bring a current or recent missionary or missions leader to campus multiple times for teaching, 讲道与辅导.

These visiting professors will connect our missions students directly with God’s frontline work in various fields, providing them with multiple perspectives on how mission work can be done.


我们很高兴能请到. R. G. Hutchisonserving as our Visiting Professor of Missiology for 2022-2023.  

An experienced missionary and pastor with a heart for people, Rev. Hutchison is now serving as Director for Bible Methodist Missions. During his missionary service in the Philippines from 2010-2022, he was involved in training Filipino pastors and leaders as a professor and academic dean at the Philippine Bible Methodist Shepherds College. Before that, he had served as a pastor for more than twelve years, ministering in Ohio and Tennessee. 

In addition to being an alumnus of God’s Bible School and College (1998), R.G. also earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in preaching and leadership from Asbury Theological Seminary (2018), 以及圣殿浸信会神学院的研究生学位.Div.亚太拿撒勒神学院,2009).S.T. 《bte365官网地址》,2015). 他即将获得博士学位.D. Biola大学跨文化研究硕士. 

由于他的丰富的经验和教育. Hutchison will bring an accomplished voice into the classroom.  We’re privileged for him to join our faculty as Visiting Professor of MIssiology this year! 

在本学年,Dr.. Hutchison will teach missions courses with a blended schedule, connecting with students online and through multiple visits to campus each semester.


  • R.G. 和记黄埔- 2022-2023
  • 蒂姆·博伊德:2020-2021年
  • 史蒂夫·海特:2020-2021年
  • 蒂姆博伊德- 2019-2020
  • 蒂姆和贝基Keep - 2018-2019
  • 史蒂夫·斯特勒- 2017-2018

应用科学副学士(AAS) -两年制学位
Missions Cognate or Track within Bachelor of Arts (BA) – 4 year degree
Missions Minor accompanying Bachelor of Arts (BA) – 4 year degree

  • 校园计划
  • Online program


From our start, bte365官网地址 has included a strong focus on global ministry — this is why our founder included “missionary training home” in our institutional name. Just as “missionary training home” is still part of our official name, we’re still passionate about missions and the global nature of our mission as a college.

That’s why we are excited for a new approach to missions education and training!

A New Approach

多年来,我们一直在祷告, planning and discussion about how missions education can best be done today. 我们的讨论包括传教士, missions educators and missionary leaders from conservative holiness denominations, 圣经学院和传教组织, from Florida to Pennsylvania to Indiana and around the world.

Every single missionary and missions leader has agreed: a standalone “missions major” isn’t the answer.

In response, we have developed a different approach that provides missions education and training in numerous ways.

  1. A standalone 2-year missions degree, the 跨文化研究和世界使命中的AAS
  2. 每个bte365官网地址 BA学生都有一个任务辅修课程, 以及所有拥有学士学位的bte365官网地址校友
  3. A missions track that can be included in the Biblical and Theological Studies major or a missionscognate in the Integrative Studies major
  4. Opportunities for cross-cultural learning and service through short-term mission trips, 任务的约定, 跨文化学生组织, 并参与部门组建. 
  5. Opportunities to learn through experience with six-week missions internships or the 12–24 week Study Abroad Program.

Combined, these approaches make missions training available to every single bte365官网地址 student!

bte365官网地址 Chancellor Michael Avery, himself a past missions leader, comments,

Taking the Gospel to the unreached people groups of today’s world holds enormous challenges — challenges that can and must be faced with new thinking, 方法多样,训练方法灵活.



bte365官网地址’s new approach to missionary training is a bold response to this daunting challenge.

A New Vision

Our vision includes graduates prepared for a range of vocations with a deep passion for and understanding of missions work. 成功看起来像……

  • Long-term missionaries who use professional skills to open doors for missionary outreach
  • Missionaries who serve a shorter period on the field and then bring their missions experience to US churches and ministries
  • Pastors, teachers and others who knowledgeably support missions work and share their passion with others
  • Laity who support missions organizations financially and with services

In addition to curriculum structures and learning opportunities that enable missions to permeate the college, 我们也开始了宣教学的客座教授bte365. Each year, we’ll bring a current or recent missionary or missions leader to campus multiple times for teaching, 讲道与辅导.

These visiting professors will connect our missions students directly with God’s frontline work in various fields, providing them with multiple perspectives on how mission work can be done.


我们很高兴能请到. R. G. Hutchisonserving as our Visiting Professor of Missiology for 2022-2023.  

An experienced missionary and pastor with a heart for people, Rev. Hutchison is now serving as Director for Bible Methodist Missions. During his missionary service in the Philippines from 2010-2022, he was involved in training Filipino pastors and leaders as a professor and academic dean at the Philippine Bible Methodist Shepherds College. Before that, he had served as a pastor for more than twelve years, ministering in Ohio and Tennessee. 

In addition to being an alumnus of God’s Bible School and College (1998), R.G. also earned a Doctor of Ministry degree in preaching and leadership from Asbury Theological Seminary (2018), 以及圣殿浸信会神学院的研究生学位.Div.亚太拿撒勒神学院,2009).S.T. 《bte365官网地址》,2015). 他即将获得博士学位.D. Biola大学跨文化研究硕士. 

由于他的丰富的经验和教育. Hutchison will bring an accomplished voice into the classroom.  We’re privileged for him to join our faculty as Visiting Professor of MIssiology this year! 

在本学年,Dr.. Hutchison will teach missions courses with a blended schedule, connecting with students online and through multiple visits to campus each semester.


  • R.G. 和记黄埔- 2022-2023
  • 蒂姆·博伊德:2020-2021年
  • 史蒂夫·海特:2020-2021年
  • 蒂姆博伊德- 2019-2020
  • 蒂姆和贝基Keep - 2018-2019
  • 史蒂夫·斯特勒- 2017-2018

Sample Classes


  • 特派团实地研究
  • 文化的多样性
  • Principles & 传教士生活的问题
  • 世界宗教


  • 跨文化交际
  • 传教的历史基础
  • 当前的问题 & 任务方法
  • 基督教世界传教会神学


The 跨文化研究和世界使命中的AAS is for lay people who may be interested in short-term missionary work or in working with missionary organizations or for those interested in pairing this degree with a professional degree.

The 综合研究文学士(使命) 在属灵上预备宣教候选人, academically, and practically for contemporary cross-cultural ministry abroad and at home, 从而帮助完成大使命.  和这个度数的两个十八小时同源词, students complement their study of missions with a study of professional or practical skills that may be used on the mission field.

This degree allows you to customize a cognate from a variety of areas, including but not limited to:

  • Counseling
  • 教师教育
  • 教育部长
  • 孩子们的部
  • Youth Ministry
  • Business
  • 音乐教育
  • 英语作为第二语言教学
  • 神学教育

八小时专心执行任务,他们 部长教育学士 also prepares students spiritually and academically for cross-cultural ministry at home or abroad. 除了学习圣经神学, 学生接受实际事工的训练, discipleship, evangelism, and preaching.  因为它的重点, this program may be better suited for those intended to enter church planting or evangelistic cross-cultural ministry. 


    • 墨西哥传教士
    • 在蒙古和中国担任英语教师
    • pastor 在北爱尔兰
    • leader 印第安那州一个拉美裔教会的牧师
    • 市中心宣教教会
    • 在危地马拉的基督教学校当老师
    • youth 乌克兰工人



    60 credits

    通识教育: 19 – 26
    Bible & Theology: 15
    课程核心:26 - 31


    2 years

    更多信息请看我们的 Catalogs.



    18 credits



    4 years


    更多信息请看我们的 Catalogs.


    我们是由两个认证 高等教育委员会 (HLC) and the 圣经高等教育协会 (ABHE). See why 两者都有.
